Kellie has travelled the least to 8 countries so far...documenting her love of its people and vast cultures. Currently, she has been pursuing a personal project that spans over the past four years documenting what she calls "Life at the Landfill".
These images are part of a personal project, a topic that is close to my heart and one that I am very passionate about. Many days here at home…my thoughts go back to the people that I have met in this small rural landfill in the countryside of Nicaragua…I wonder what they are doing…and long to be back with them. Sometimes my thoughts are triggered by just by the simple passing by of a garbage truck…and I am sidetracked wondering how and when I will get back there to continue this story.
Yes, I hang out in the middle of a toxic wasteland and simply am intrigued at how this community of people survives. Many I have photographed multiple times, over the past few years. Some of the children I photographed three years ago are still in the dump scavenging through the trash with their parents. I wonder how many years I will see them there…will they ever have the opportunity to leave the dump…or is this the only life they will ever know.
Not the easiest portraits to create; literally in the midst of medical waste, rotten food, smouldering toxic fires and packs of wild dogs that are possibly rabid. But I hope to get back there again at least once, if not twice this year to press on and make stronger connections with those that I have met and photographed over the past four years.
This is truly a passion that I cannot let go that consumes me on a regular basis. Some days it is hard to be a Hilton Head Photographer as I long to be in the Third World.